&& this is what we call Love.
HI all, Ms Chew here...
I would like to thank all of you for your cards, gifts and well wishes... I really appreciate each and everyone of them.
Sorry to Lihui and Huiting etc.... and ya.. Pei Hsien.. I was rushing off to help prepare for the Teachers' day lunch. I am from the School Staff Welfare committee mah... so have to take care of teachers' welfare : )
I just hope, from the bottom of my heart... that all of you people, will get promoted into a good, 3E class... a class where you get to study the subjects you want. It is very important that you get the class you want... if not, you would probably not want to study or get worse.. trust me... stay focused people!
For those whose CA marks is not that wonderful or not what you want, PLease BUCK UP! Theres still time.... the heaviest weightage exam.. (40%) has yet to come... so its not the end yet.... Jia you Jia you!
Happy bdae timo!
Though i don't know when u will be able to see this ..
tell me if u hav read it.
Timothy wish u grow shorter haha for me to overtake!
wish you score well in EOY
TIMO u will always be one of the best friends EVER!
let's work hard for our EOY okays!,
like ive said,
We gotta move on together as
Two Express Four!
★We are th star
this post, is a very sincerely posted post;D
***from Jasmine Y
for most of us, we graduated from oneexpressfour'07.
probably not Gary, Erick, Cheryl.
and sadly, pukeong and junlong left us in th middle of their journey.
But nonthless, 2e4 is always together as one,
we would always fight through whatever storm or typhoon that comes in our way.
lets us talk bout last year. ****sorry to th 3pupils.
LCK's incident. we all stood up for one another, andand that's cause we had trust between us. we knew and trusted that th culprit who vandalised th table isnt from our class.
we were very bonded.
Thankew, Mrmark, Mrsng, Mrteh, Mryee, Mrphua, Msneo and th rest of th teachers we had.
we definitely had learnt muchmuchmuch from you.
now, lets talk bout 2e4, we are only left with roughly 3months to spent with one another. andannnnnnd! by now, almost evryone are already bonded together i guess.
we've had lotsa conflicts, tiffs, and quarrels.
&&small little things like this, are either there to strenghten our friendship or to totally break it up. and th decision is up to you.
take an example, lihui and i, we were very good friends when we were still 13. a cold war broke out. but now, we decided to patch it up, and we're still close, even closer than before.
and i really wanna apologise to Peihsien, in 2e4's place .
sorry for th insults from us that have hurt you.
We do care bout you. We do treat you like friends. We are sorry.
Guys, 3months is veryvery little, why not spent th time happily with one another rather than to spent th next three months quarreling rights?
Hopefully, we'll have a class chalet this year.
2e4, lets study harder&&smarter and be attentive in class okay? n
o body is allowed to drop. we gotta move on together as 2e4 ..
we gotta help and teach one another. be there for one another.
&&As we go on, we remember, all th times we, had together.
and as our lifes change, come whatever, we will still be.
Friends Forever.
ily; 1E4'07, 2E4'08
anddandddd you'll always be my baby.
these pictures are taken at Our very Dear Viandra Goenadie's House!
and here's th STAR!happy sweet 14 lai lihui, our class chairperson ;DD
&&, 2e4,
we're left with only roughly 3months to be together with one another,
so let's cherish what we have now alrights!
take a look at th 3musketeers! totally Obseen! ><
&& we're not asleep @3.27 AM yet!
today, we are celebratin Darlie's 14 anniversary birthday!!! by li hui!!^^
sorry,abit too late luh.. -.-
atleast i YOU3 XIN1 right!?
n ermm,
lets go to 3E tgt ok!
Yo hi everyone that is reading this blog.
it was long since someone posted another post.
Haizz MANY MANY things happened.
Haha. GRATZ all sports day winners .
total should be 14 or 13 medals ?!
1(at least i am included) by me=D
4 byRamen
4 ny nic
2 deep
1 ta
1 melvin
1 more is who??????!! or is there no more? < sorry!
THANKS everyone for celebrating my bdae hope i was not late in thanking u all.
(NICHOLAS, JOSHUA, Gary and many more ! sorry for not including your name IS REALLY TOO MANY LE!!!)
2e4 will always be the best class!!!!!!!!!!!!